Monday, August 6, 2012


Well it’s been about a week and a half, and I wish I had more to report. Sometimes I feel these blog posts become monotonous, because my life doesn’t really change all that much.  Last Tuesday was round three and I assumed it would go as the second one did, and unfortunately I was wrong (that’s what I get for assuming).

The first night I was again very sick. I had taken all my anti-nausea meds, and still no relief.  I was definitely uncomfortable and extremely sick. I again slept for the most of the next few days. It seemed to eventually ease up, as again, it always does.  I did notice that the nausea seemed to last a few days longer than normal (maybe until day 7 instead of day 4). The doctor’s explanation for the bad nausea (worse this time than last) is the low immune system.  Every time I show up for chemo my system is lower. Due to the nature of my cancer, I have to receive treatment regardless how bad my system seems to be. So the future treatments may follow suit, the second seems to be the “fluke” at this point.

 I didn’t get the mouth sores this time. My mouth has been extremely sensitive which causes a lot of discomfort and many food aversions.  This pain was tolerated with salt water gargles and my power mouth wash.  

My hair. Oh my poor hair. It is getting worse with every treatment.  My hair is thinning so much I look as though I have layered it more. It is probably the most traumatizing experience during this whole thing (tad dramatic, but what did you expect).  To be showering and see random clumps fall out or to be combing through it, and have a more hair on the comb than the spot on your head (sad). I have to take a sticky roller to my bed daily to catch all the hair that I lose in my sleep (which is about 5 sheets each time).  But I will hold on until the very end, even if I have a “trump” comb over, this hair is here until it all falls out (ha).

As of today I seem to be doing better. Still extremely fatigued, but I can take naps over sickness any day.  

Here are a couple highlights from the past little bit:

·    Chase had to get nose surgery (deviated septum and sinus issues). The boy guy hasn’t been breathing very well. So we planned this on my off week so I could care for him.  He rocked the surgery, but I can honestly say I would take chemo over that surgery ANYDAY! Those of you who have had it done or know someone who has can appreciate that statement. Needless to say we enjoyed lying on the couch together, having an “Office” marathon.

·     I have finished a few DIY projects for my house. This always helps the days pass and I get a great sense of accomplishment when I see my cute decorations.

·    We finally got our Denver Broncos’ tickets. We have been going to a game yearly since we were dating and it’s usually the game in October. However with Manning joining the team (WOO HOO) the tickets we usually get were harder to come by (imagine that).  So the game we will attend will be in winter (I will literally freeze my fanny off, but it will be so fun).  Beggars can’t be choosers and I can’t wait to see Manning in live action!

As far as emotionally, I am doing great. I am nearly half way through the chemo (which is the worst of it all) and I can handle that. We had a few really good speakers in my church yesterday and again I was reminded that EVERYONE has their struggles and trials. They are all equally tough and take a lot of faith and patience.  So again (as I usually am) I was humbled by the many strong people who surround me and their incredible battles they have to fight daily.  God bless and keep fighting, it will always get better!


  1. I am happy you are feeling somewhat better. I hate being nauseated, so I can't even imagine the nausea you go through with chemo therapy. Bre you are a strong girl, I know you will beat this!!!! So I can't wait to go wig, scarf or hat shopping this week. We will make it fun, and if anyone can rock a hat you can. Remember the hair situation is not permanent, so have some fun with it. But, I do not want to make light of how tramatizing loosing your hair can be, especially for us women. Be strong, and when you feel like giving up...get on your knees and pray for strength to be stronger! Love you, mom.

  2. I know you haven't posted yet, since round 4, but I hope you will be feeling well enough to come to the family get together Saturday. It will be fun, all the cousins will be there. Oh yeah, and those wigs I showed you were really bad...sorry. Oh well, you still have your hair and you probably won't even lose it. Be strong, love mom.
