I apologize it has taken me so long to update this blog. It's funny how time flies by when we are healthy and having a good time!
I will catch you all up quickly on the last 6 months.
November: I had radiation everyday. This was the easiest part of my whole treatment process. I was extremely tired throughout, however it was never painful, with the exception of my acid reflux-due to the burning of my esophagus. (Prevacid was my best friend).
December: We went on through the holidays and on our annual trip to Colorado for the Bronco game. I went back to work full time and we sold our house and moved to Nibley.
January: I had my first follow up scan post treatment. I was extremely nervous. It is funny how places, smells, etc. will spark a learned reaction with your body and brain. When we pulled up to Huntsman, I immediately felt sick to my stomach and nervous. Never the less the appointment went great and I was actually in "Remission." The only down side to this month, I had a severe side effect from the radiation. My lungs had developed a significant amount of scar tissue and I was unable to be active without gasping and coughing for air. They in return put me on Prednisone (steroid) to help my lungs heal. The steroid was not my favorite, however it did help with the breathing issues and I was able to continue be active.
March: I began to feel numbness and tingling in my feet and legs. It was exaggerated when I worked out. After numerous appointments with a chiropractor, an MRI and other tests, we found out that this is a side effect of one of the chemo drugs I was administered! Vinblastine can cause neuropathy in about 15% of individuals. It usually comes on during treatment, however in my case came on months after. Doctors are hopeful this will dissipate over time, however no one can be sure, I may have permanent damage. This hasn't stopped me from being active and exercising, however it is quite an annoyance that I ignore daily.
April: This brings us present. I am working full time and seems as though my husband and I are busier than ever. I have noticed that I still tire out quickly and quite honestly would love time for more napping. They say that the fatigue can linger for many more months, so just with everything else I have endured, I've learned to take things in stride.
Next month I have my second follow up appointment and I am very optimistic these results will be favorable as well.
Over the past months I have noticed that this side of cancer seems to be the hardest for me (I know.. I'm crazy). The side effects that linger and still not being 100% are difficult to swallow. Not knowing what my future entails: children, secondary cancers, etc. I am an independent soul and facing reality has been difficult.
I read a good scripture story in the New Testament about the the fisherman and how while out to sea a storm hits and they are convinced the boat will cap size. One of them run to the Savior and asks if he doesn't care that they may perish... (forgive me I am paraphrasing)and quite honestly I have felt this many different times and asked similar questions. The lord simply looked at him and said "Oh yea of little faith" -Then he calmed the storms and they were fine. That struck me so hard, because it rang so true in my life. Faith in the lord and his saving grace brought me through the hardest trial I have yet to encounter, why has it become so difficult to rely on my faith now. I write this because it can be applied to us all, no matter what we may or may not be going through. The lord loves us and wants nothing more than our love and faith. I strongly believe if we can do those two things, he will bless us tremendously.
Thanks again for all those who have sent prayers up for me and would ask that they will continue to go up for those around us fighting similar battles daily.
One more thing before I stop rambling, we are doing a "Relay for Life" June 21-22 at Bonneville High in Ogden UT. It will begin at 6:00pm the 21st and go through the night. It is put on to raise money for cancer research, I will have a team registered under "Love Conquers Cancer" help us raise money to save lives-as it could be yours one day! :)
Relayforlife.org --- Put in 84405 for the zip and find us. I would love to see you there, if not any amount of donation would help.
Thanks again for all the love and support... God Bless!
I still get tired 15 years later! But that could just be because I'm a mom. lol. :)